This in turn, can help the physician to understand the overall health status of an Individual better on a 'birds eye - view' and determine the best course of action for treatment.
Currently, in the world of medicine, there is 2 types of diagnostic tools, Functional and Structural.
Darkfield is a Functional type of diagnostic tool as its design is not meant to detect diseases but to look indirectly into functions and physiological change in blood formation
Darkfield microscopy in itself, is useful in terms of its application especially in prevention medicine. Darkfield Microscopy can also be use as an adjunct test to many other diagnostic tools whether Functional or Structural namely Thermoscan and VLA Bioimpedence Test
Rather than assessing pathology, functional
diagnosis assesses genetic predisposition, functional reserve, metabolic capacity, variations in physiologic functioning, diurnal and cyclic variation, and early tissue injury.
- Dr Mark Hyman (N.D.) (USA)
Darkfield Microscopy is form of microscopy technique that excludes the unscattered beam from an image. This, as a result makes the field around the specimen is generally dark. (no specimen to scatter the beam)
Darkfield microscopy is a specialized illumination technique that capitalizes on oblique illumination to enhance contrast in specimens that are not imaged well under normal brightfield illumination conditions.
More can be seen with Darkfield Microscopy. This makes it a favourable tool when looking at the terrain.
Physicians to look at 2 things that can give him a snapshot of the patients health.
- Terrain
- Blood formation
- In rare cases, bacterial formation
In short, the terrain determines the overall well being of the body. The aim is to make the environment unfavourable for any pathogens to thrive. The pathogens and symptoms only play a small part of the story. Take care of the terrain and everything will take care of itself. Removing the symptoms alone without removing the root cause will only win half of the battle.
How is the examination carried out?
Using a very fine needle, a drop of blood is taken from the finger and directly placed on a glass slide. Without fixation or colouring, the blood is examined right after taking it through a special darkfield microscope with up to 1000x enlargement. The patient can follow the process via video transmission on a large screen. The examination lasts approximately 15 minutes. The blood can be examined again several hours after taking the sample. This procedure informs us about the speed of degeneration of the cells (shows cell resilience, the immune system and the degenerative tendency).
We recommend repeating this examination every 3 months during an isopathic and immune biological therapy.
This examination was developed and described by Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein. With this method he proved that co-relations exist between blood parasites, symbionts, bacteria and fungi. The main proven fact is that chronic diseases are created by increasing sickness tendencies of the endobionts and that bacteria, viruses and fungi developed in the human body, or are changed to pathogenic agents of diseases depending upon the inner terrain (determined by acid-base balance, protein content and level of trace elements). The existence of pre-stages which are not yet able to make one ill but that can endanger an illness can also be found in the darkfield examination. Therefore it is also an important preventative examination.
visit for more info on the tests or to book a consultation with us.
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