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About me

Dr. Hadinata Roslan ND, HD, BNSc (Hons) (Aust), GDip.IS (Qatar)

Hadinata Roslan, is a Homeopath and Naturopath and heads the Clinical Laboratory Testing Department at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic. He completed his Bachelors Degree in Natural Medicine from YINS College Worldwide (Australia) in February 2014 under Professor Sundardas.

Other than Western naturopathy, he is also trained in Malay and Indonesian Alternative Medicine. He has been researching into the mind-body-spirit Interactions and their impact on a patient’s health. He is a certified Energy Healer under the Indonesian NAQsDNA Islamic Energy Healing system with the level of Master Penghusada (M.Ph) from Quantum Mind Technology Institute.

Dr Hadinata has committed himself to understanding Islam. He has actively participated in the field of Da'wah through healing and writing in forums. He believes promoting the proper understanding and awareness of the Islam will create a more peaceful society. He holds an Islamic Diploma with IOU and Fanar Institute,  Qatar and intends to pursue Higher Studies in the Religious Studies. He is also one of the physician in Islamic Medicine in Darul Hikmah Islamic medicine clinic alongside its founder Dr Rashidinz (ND.Phd). 
Dr Hadinata has a deep and abiding interest in Silat. He has dedicated himself to being a  Madurese Silat Instructor and ambassador for Singapore representing Chakra-V International HQ based in Surabaya with current rank of Wira Mandalika and holding the appointment of "Instructor Utama".

Known as "the other doctor" Simply because he's not a medical doctor (Nor does he claim to be one) and hes "the other doctor" to new patients whom have yet to adjust to when they come to the clinic looking for Dr Sundardas.. unknown to them  theres this young man fresh out from the oven of knowledge. 

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