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Friday, November 21, 2014


What is Eczema?

Eczema, clinically known as dermatitis is a broad description of skin conditions that manifests itself as skin dryness itchyness, redness, swelling, oozing and bleeding.  Discoloration on the skin may sometimes be seen however, Dermatitis symptomps vary with all different forms of the conditions.It can both be acute and chronic.

Eczema is commonly attributed to an autoimmune condition which is triggered by allergies to some food. The true cause of Eczema is not fully understood clinically yet (1) but is normally managed and eventually tackled by improving the Digestive System - Supplements, changing diets.  Although seemingly a superficial problem, Eczema according to naturopathy is associated with the weakness of the liver and Digestive system. Most often a person with Eczema has leaky gut issues of which is often overlooked. When the gut is leaky, food particles tend to not be absorbed - and in turn, trigger allergies (IgE based allergic reation) (2). This will be discussed further in another article. Improving the terrain of the gut helps in managing allergies. There is also some other factors like candidaisis etc (3).  

Foods to avoid that are likely to cause Eczema

Processed foods: which can make eczema worse.

Foods Intolerances: Avoid any potential allergens (If you know of any), some common allergen foods include: gluten, dairy, shellfish, or peanuts.

Margarine and other non-essential fats - These fats can interfere with the absorption of essential fats critical for healing.

Sugar :Increases inflammation and reduces immune function.
Fried foods: Can increase inflammation surely.

It makes sense to avoid these food for the mean time for about -1 to 3 month. Supplements like Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, Liver Supplements and cocoa butter for topical cream can help you in the long run.

Dr. Hadnata

(1) Kim, BS (21 January 2014). Fritsch, P; Vinson, RP; Perry, V; Quirk, CM; James, WD, ed. "Atopic Dermatitis". Medscape Reference. WebMD. Retrieved 3 March 2014.

(2) Dr Patrick Holford - 'Improve your Digestion' pg.23

(3) Candida albicans and atopic dermatitis - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8319131

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